From Morocco with Pride: Semifinalists at GITEX Africa’s Supernova Pitch Competition

From Morocco with Pride: Semifinalists at GITEX Africa’s Supernova Pitch Competition

Accura Scan, a leader in touchless biometric technology, has achieved notable recognition as a semifinalist in the esteemed GITEX Africa Supernova Challenge. Renowned for its innovative solutions and adherence to compliance standards, Accura Scan is transforming the identity verification industry.

The GITEX Africa Supernova Challenge

The GITEX Africa Supernova Challenge is the largest pitch competition in Africa. Startups from various domains compete across multiple categories, aiming to showcase groundbreaking innovations and demonstrate their value on a global stage. Accura Scan’s journey to the semifinals highlights its exceptional contributions to the field of identity verification.

Key Benefits of Accura Scan

Accura Scan leverages artificial intelligence (AI), optical character recognition (OCR), and biometrics to deliver rapid and accurate identity verification. Here are the key benefits that distinguish Accura Scan:

ID Scanning Solution (OCR, MRZ, NFC Verification): Accura Scan can extract data from passports, national IDs, and other identity documents within milliseconds. Its robust OCR capabilities ensure accurate data capture, enhancing the customer onboarding process.

Face Verification

Accura Scan’s Face Verification solution captures facial features from the ID document and matches them with a selfie image taken by the user. It then provides a face verification score, helping to prevent identity theft and spoofing attacks. Our solution is endorsed by NIST certification, signifying the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in face recognition technology.

iBeta Level 2 Liveness Check Solution

Accura Scan’s iBeta Level 2 Liveness Check Solution ensures that the user is physically present during the onboarding process, providing a liveness score that aids decision-making. This advanced solution helps prevent spoofing attacks and deepfake attempts, ensuring the integrity and security of identity verification. Accura Scan is one of the few companies globally, and the only one in APAC and the Middle East, to achieve iBeta Level 2 compliance for liveness detection, underscoring our commitment to cutting-edge security and compliance standards.

Optical Fingerprint Biometrics Solution

Accura Scan’s innovative Optical Fingerprint Biometrics Solution eliminates the need for hardware devices traditionally required for fingerprint scanning. This groundbreaking technology allows users to enroll and verify their fingerprints using just a mobile camera. By leveraging this advanced solution, Accura Scan aims to eradicate the dependence on conventional fingerprint hardware devices, offering a more convenient, cost-effective, and user-friendly approach to biometric verification.

Use Cases

Accura Scan’s versatile solution finds applications across various industries:

Fraud Prevention: Accura Scan’s robust verification process helps organizations detect and prevent fraudulent activities, safeguarding against identity theft and unauthorized access.

– Compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements is crucial. Accura Scan ensures compliance with GDPR and other data protection regulations, giving businesses peace of mind.

Account Opening: Banks and financial institutions can streamline customer onboarding by using Accura Scan’s efficient ID verification process.

Age Verification: Dating apps, gaming platforms, and entertainment services benefit from Accura Scan’s age verification capabilities.

Investor Verification: Accura Scan’s solution ensures secure investor onboarding, reducing risks associated with fraudulent investments.

Customer Onboarding: Across industries such as telecommunication, travel, and insurance, Accura Scan simplifies the customer onboarding process while maintaining security.

Industries Served

Accura Scan caters to a wide range of industries, including:

– Banking

– Finance & Fintech

– Insurance

– Immigration & Border Control

– Telecommunications

– Dating apps

– Gaming

– Travel

– Hospitality

Highlighting Leadership

Accura Scan’s success at the GITEX Africa Supernova Challenge highlights not only its technology but also its leadership. Accura Scan’s progression to the semifinalist stage underscores a deep industry understanding and effective communication of its value.

In summary, Accura Scan’s participation in the GITEX Africa Supernova Challenge showcases its commitment to innovation, compliance, and secure identity verification. From Morocco to the world, Accura Scan stands tall with pride, driven by visionary leaders who continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in identity verification technology.